Sunday, August 13, 2006


This is a post for boys who like girls, and girls who have been liked by boys.

Now first, Boys: Please understand that girls, ladies, women, however strong they are, however powerful, however amazing and courageous they may be have beating hearts just the same as you, but these hearts are a little more frail, a little more sympathetic, a little more vulnerable. God intended this to be, he designed women to carry these hearts so they could nurture, so they could take care so they could be a sensitive beauty in the face of a dangerous world. Please be honest with it at all times. There will always be times that you have to let it down, tell a girl that you're not interested. Those days do come. Please please please, be firm, please don't scrape for excuses but tell her true reasons, please don't think that you're too amazing and that telling her would ruin her world. Although a girls heart is a frail one, it is a resilient one. It is much harder holding on to a piece of something to find out there was nothing there at all.

Girls: Remember that you are beautiful, amazing, courageous, strong, remarkable beings, remember that God has someone beautiful, amazing, courageous, strong, and remarkable for you. Believe that God has someone perfect for you, believe that if someone says no, then God has someone better then him, let not someone telling you no influence your self-image or anything says no, if the man of your dreams says no, then the man of God's dreams for you may come around the next corner. Remember that boys, guys, men. Are amazing, and wonderful beings, designed by God, and like us girls, often screw up.

that is all i have to say.. well except for . PRAISE THE LORD my soul is screaming that since last night. I dont' feel like blogging about that yet. but please, all believers, PRAISE THE LORD strongly, for GOD is real, and POWERFUL, and will take care of all our needs. Lord Jesus, i thank you from the bottom of my heart wherever it can be found, you are truly amazing.