Sunday, January 08, 2006

all to complicated.

Today I realized that i make everything way to complicated. What i'm doing now, what i want to do, how i want to live, life, love, this world, i take all to seriously. Everything except for Christ. Why can't i take everything one day at a time, forget about being guilty for not meeting with God yesterday, i'll meet with him today. Start over, start fresh, forget about all the places i want to go, and focus on the place where i stand. Forget about who i want to live my life with forever, and think about who i want to spend my day with. Forget about the type of person I want to be, and think about embracing the person I am. Live each day as its own. We do not have to live our whole lives today, we just need to live today, today. Please understand that I am not a naiive person. Know that I put thought into all my decisions, but why do i need to base all my decisions on the rest of my life. If i focus each day on Christ, and live each day the way I feel he wants me to live, then I will die with no regrets. If i dance like no ones watching, sing like nobody will hear, and don't worry about what people will think of me tomorrow, then think of how much stronger of a person I will be. There is so much this world has to offer, and so much this world can take away, but i do not need to think of all of it today.
Please don't get me wrong, i don't mean to say don't live with responsibility, but live with a light heart. And focus on love. And tomorrow i will be a better person.

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