Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Ye of Little Faith

Not so long ago i felt clearly that i should go to school for Early Childhood Education. But lately, those thoughts had turned into fear and disbelief. There were too many what ifs, too many questions, too many maybe nots. Well last night was my first at school. It was a night of trial, a battle, and then finally great relief and a reminder of faith. You see, I got to Seneca with plenty of time to spare hoping to spend my time finding the classroom. After being pointed in several directions with no hope of finding the class, and becoming incredibly frustrated and stressed, i asked one of the janiters and she happily directed me to the correct place. FINALLY.. so, i got to my first class in many years... late. But all is good, an older woman moved her stuff and i took my place in the class of about 25-30 people. I sat down and listened, discussed, debated, and learned. Stuff that I'm so interested in, and my hope was restored. I was so excited, the teacher seemed really cool, and i listened happily to all she had to say. Then class ended an hour early and we were getting ready to leave when in front of me a three women began speaking in Romanian. Okay, maybe i'm super lame, but it made me soo excited! I talked to them for a few minutes about visiting Romania and expressed to them how i missed hearing the language. And the older woman then declared every Monday a speaking Romanian day. I was so excited.
I questioned this class because I knew right now, this moment, these classes are preventing me from being in Romania. I questioned so much so that i forgot how strongly i felt God telling me to take these courses. To get my degree. But God gave me three wonderful women to remind me, and put them right in my class. And to that I am pleasantly thankful. I floated home, with a thankful heart and a contented soul.
Forgive me Father for my lack of faith.

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